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Your Story Matters

Updated: May 20

So many of us go through life thinking:

“I’m not good enough.”

“I don’t matter.”

“My story won’t help anyone.”

“What is God doing? This will never end well.”

God placed you on this Earth for this very moment to make the impact you are going to make. You may not think the life you live is significant but in one way or another- you are going to leave a mark on those around you and the ones you come in contact with.

Everyone has a past and even though your past may be hurtful, it makes your present and future a beautiful story as a whole. You aren’t destroyed but you may be broken. The Lord heals that though. {He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds. -Psalm 147:3} Through all of your story you may have gone through patches of joy, happiness, and peacefulness but also hurt, loss, and rejection. See beyond what went on and what is going on to see the big picture because God wanted to do something big in your life that only He can get credit for.

Be thankful for your story because it allowed God to build you back up and show His goodness. We are all sinners and we all need Jesus. Remember that everyone struggles but all ground is level at the foot of the cross. {1 Corinthians 6:9-11} God uses so many broken and “bad” people throughout the Bible but always redeems, smooths, and fixes them. (Think of Moses, Elijah, Matthew & my favorite: Paul.)

God can always use you and your story as long as you allow Him. You have to fully trust Him and say “yes.” It’s not easy though, and it’s not easy to change your story if you don’t like the way it is going but trust Him because it’s worth it. Your story can change someone or help someone in ways you could never imagine. Share your story and with that you will realize where you don’t want to go back to. Your story holds you accountable to see where you were and who you were to remind you that you don’t want to go back to the broken and destructive place.

Your story matters.

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