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Weeds by Kim Latta

I did some weeding in the flower beds today. Well I did a lot of weeding actually because I haven’t touched them since last fall.

Some were really easy to pull up. Some took an extra tug and some took a lot of digging and pulling along with a tool or two. A lot of sweat and time.

Weeds….If you see them starting to grow and take care of them early, they don’t root and grow deeper and deeper until they are hard to get rid of. Eventually, if you just let them go, they choke out the good stuff.

Reminds me of my walk in my Christian life. I let the “weeds” creep in and if I don’t take care of them, they start growing around the good stuff. They choke out the “sun” and the roots start growing deeper and deeper until I can’t even get rid of them without help.

Weeds start out as a tiny seed or seedling. It’s small. Subtle. Unassuming. We see it when it’s small and think oh I’ll get that later. And then it’s tomorrow and then a week then a month and by then that weed is rooted and growing.

A bad habit.

An addiction.

A grudge.


Loss of _____


If you just pull off those outer leaves, the weed is still there. Same as us putting on the brave face or acting like everything is fine when that weed just keeps growing in the shadows. We have to get rid of it completely to start to heal. It’s ok to use “tools.” Friends. Family. Church. Therapy. Boundaries. Self-care.

Why did I pull weeds today? Because it rained. It rained GOOD! Weeds are so much easier to pull when the ground is softened. So many times we let bitterness and anger harden our hearts and it’s so hard to get rid of those weeds once that happens. Soften your heart and pull those weeds out one by one. By the root.

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