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To the girl who didn't get the invite...

Updated: May 20

To the girl struggling that she didn't get the invite...

Remember that your value doesn't come from invites or what you do. Your value comes from the fact that before you were born or even thought of on earth, you were for the eternal. God specifically and intentionally designed you for purpose and in a wondrous way.

He said "this earth needs ---- at this time."

You are supposed to be here. Don't let an event that you didn't get invited to dictate the worth that you have. The God of the universe chose you- that is PURE and GOOD value. There is literally no accident in it. There is intention behind it all in every area you are at.

Don't try to take the hurt and healing into your own hands like I try to do so often. I try to play God. But thank goodness, I'm not God. I can't fix the hurt in y'all or my life. Only God can. Only God can let us see past our hurt to the intention of where He has us in our life currently. God has big things in each of our lives going that we often miss.

So feel the struggle. Feel the pain.

God says there is a time for it all but don't let it hinder you of missing the intentional moment by God right in front of you.

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