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Tips for Journaling

Updated: May 20

  1. Always have it with you or nearby! Stick it in your purse or backpack. Carry it in your car or somewhere close to you in your house so you are always able to write.

  2. Write down anything and everything!

    • Questions.

    • Things you want to study.

    • Do this especially in the Word because it can direct you to another passage.

    • Do it in quiet time but also just in regular moments.

    • Every thought and feeling.

    • Write out what scripture stands out the most to you and what it means to you.

  3. Remember sometimes its messy and ugly. Sometimes its a rant and venting session but it’s important and it marks important events. You can always look back on this.

  4. Get the things YOU need and that are best for you.

    • It can be a piece of paper or a notebook.

    • It can have lines or no lines.

    • Some people use lots of colors!

    • Some people write letters to God- especially before they start studying the Word so they can let it all out and let Him heal.

    • Use dictionaries and different translations.

  5. Don’t expect anything. This is real. This is you. Be real. Some days there is a lot to write and some days there is very little to write.

  6. Do your own thing to get this time. Go on a walk. Sit in your bed. Get in your car and drive. Do whatever you need to journal but also have your one on one with Him.

  7. Trust what is being spoken to you. Journaling is kind of like your prayers. All of your thoughts and prayers are going straight on paper where you think about them and dwell. You look back on the growth and beauty.

  8. Always go throughout it in prayer. Before. During. After.

  9. Set time aside. If you have to sacrifice things in order to do it then sacrifice. Make this important. It can be at the beginning of the day if you are a morning person or the end. Whatever you have to do to get this time to reflect and mend yourself as well as talk to God.

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