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The Process of Forgiveness

Updated: May 20

Everything in life is a process, so why do we act like forgiveness isn't as well?

This past year or two has been a season of walking through forgiveness. Forgiveness with myself and others honestly. It's been one of the hardest ones. Why? Because unforgiveness makes me feel powerful even though it's not true at all. Unforgiveness is something that only holds me captive if I don't work through it. Holding back on forgiving only brings bitterness, resentment and ill feelings all around. It doesn't just effect one thing, but all those around me. When you have a root of sin (and that is unforgiveness) in your heart, it stems out to all areas.

Pastor Chris Hodges says something like "Not forgiving someone is like lighting yourself on fire and hoping they die from smoke inhalation." & it's true. When you don't forgive, you're hurting your spirit more than anything.

Forgiveness is so crucial and it needs to be the first step. It's hard but like Lysa Terkeurst says, "The act of forgiveness comes first but the process of it is continuous." There will always be triggers. There will always be times where it hits you. There will always be times where the devil whispers lies. That's when you need to get your people in your corner and you need to stand strong against the devil in Jesus' name. Forgiveness is not a one and done thing but a continual process that will take place throughout your life. & that's okay. It's not okay to stay in a place of misery or anger but it is okay to take it one day at a time as you walk through the journey of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is crucial.


Because God forgave us when He didn't have to. What makes their offense bigger than mine that drove the nails through Jesus hands on the cross?


Grab your community.

Be in the Word.

& walk through the process of healing.

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Feb 24

I am walking through this now one day at a time. Forgiveness can be hard, but the blessing that comes with it is awesome.

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