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The Gospel Within a Verse by Montana Wallace

Updated: Jul 11

1 Thessalonians 2:13

“This is why we constantly thank God, because when you received the message about God that you heard from us, you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the message of God, which also works effectively in you believers.”

So this verse has a lot to it. There are SEVERAL commas so I feel like I normally zone out because the sentence is so long and I get overwhelmed but when I read this for the first time I didn’t feel that way. Which shocked me honestly. So let’s break it down together!

This first part says what we all know, we should constant thank God. But the it goes on to explain why! We have received the word of God (can I get an Amen?!) How lost would we be without the Bible? It’s such a gift right at our fingertips.

The next part makes me happy- That you heard from us. The word was spreading. The Bible obviously wasn’t complete when this was written so they didn’t have it to read like we do now. But the word never returns void. People were hearing of all the things God had done and they just had to share it. That’s how we should feel everyday! Share the good news, because it’s just that good.

The next part of the verse says “you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the word of God”. When these people were hearing the words, they knew it was from mankind. They understood it was Holy and true. Straight from God.

The last part seals it all together-“ethic also works effectively in you who believe”. Once we believe the words God speaks over us and believe that the Bible is true (it’s either all true or it isn’t. We can’t pick which parts we agree with and believe in) it has the opportunity to be effective in our lives. When we open our hearts to the word of God, it blossoms in our hearts and makes us new. Praise God that He saw we needed His words and saw we could be trusted with them.

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