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The Best Answer

Storms are not my thing. 

Actually, I take that back. I do love storms but I don't love scary storms. A few weeks back a really bad storm came out of nowhere. We had to get to our friends house for us all to squeeze in their storm shelter as a tornado was threatening our homes. Thankfully, it didn't get too close to our neighborhood even though it was in our town. I had to drive the kids home alone so my husband could follow my friend back to her house to be sure she made it safely. As we rode in the car with the wind still whipping and the rain falling hard, a bolt of lightning flashed before our eyes. 

I tried to remain calm but prayed constantly for God to keep us safe. It was only a four minute drive but it felt much longer. As the lightning continued to pop, my daughter asked “Why would God create something so scary?” She had been nervous throughout the night but remained steady as we did. She could tell I was nervous but remained calm as we made it. I could tell her little but smart brain was trying to process this big thought. 

Even as a grown up, I wonder why God allows bad things to happen to good people. I wonder why God did create things that just don't make sense. (Don't even get me started on mosquitos…!) 

So as I looked in the backseat of my car during this rough storm at my six-year old daughter with a big question, I simply said “I don't know why, baby, but I do know that He is God and He loves us and knows all things.” 

It's still not the best answer or the one that I want to hear at times but it is so true. Even when it doesn't make sense or things are going awry, we don't have to have the answers. We don't have to know everything. We just have to rest in the Truth and Love that He bestows upon us. 

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