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Tear Jars & a Deeply Devoted God by Shea Pirtle

Updated: May 20

In the Fall of 2020, my fascination with tear jars led me to a divine revelation of their enduring presence in history. My thoughtful daughter had followed my intrigue from afar and thought it only necessary I have my own. The replica’s ancient silhouette is one of my favorite gifts. It graces my bedside table as a daily reminder of God’s knowledge and concern over my days. 

You see- tear jars, or lachrymatories, held a significant place in the hearts of women in Roman times. These small glass vessels were filled with tears and placed in tombs, serving as symbols of mourning for departed loved ones. Women would also collect their tears for their husbands away at war. At their return, they would present them with the jar as a symbol of their devotion and love in their absence.


It’s easy to think of these traditions as heirlooms of the past. Yet the word of God is living and timeless, always meeting us with an inspiring word right where we are. God brings the history of tear jars into our present reality through the psalmist’s expression, "You yourself have recorded my wanderings. Put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book? Then my enemies will retreat on the day when I call. This I know: God is for me" Psalms 56:8-9 (CSB)

During a challenging season of fostering, we cared for another woman’s child while also cultivating anintimate bond as a family of five. In the wavering emotions of it all, my soul often wrestled between animosity and compassion. Each day I was asked by Holy Spirit, “Shea, which will you allow to lead your way, your heart or your God?” As you may recall from Jeremiah’s warning, “The heart is more deceitful than anything else”. (Jeremiah 17:9a) I knew my heart would only lead me astray but God Himself would not. For help I would often reflect on these passages of Psalms 56, realizing that God was intimately

acquainted with my struggle and the tears that would often succeed it. After all, He is a personal God devoted to our cares. These intimate scriptures would bring light to His deep devotion in the following ways:

God is a collector. 

A collector? He sure is! The image of God collecting our tears in a bottle is a comforting image. It goes beyond symbolism by speaking to the intimacy of His relationship with each one of us. In times of sorrow, when we feel unseen by the world, God not only sees us but carefully and thoughtfully collects our tears.

Think about the tears you've shed in the secret places of your heart. God, in His infinite care, has been collecting each one of them without dismay. All your moments: vulnerability, grief, and loneliness, are not lost on Him. He treasures your tears as a precious reminder of your humanity, remembering that after all we are made from dust. It brings light the very depth of His compassion for His beloved children.

His heart is for you.

The psalmist doesn't just acknowledge God's observation of tears; he acknowledges God's deep emotional connection to our struggles. When life feels like a battlefield, overwhelming you from all sides, remember that God knows your heartache. He doesn't stand blindsided by your sadness. He feels it the very second it takes form in your heart. In moments of doubt, lean into the assurance that the Creator of the universe is intimately involved in the details of your life. 

God created this journey for His purpose.

In my fostering journey, the path we walked was heart-wrenching. Raising another woman's child while loving him as my own became a daily tug-of-war between my flesh and spirit. Most days, I felt a profound sense of loneliness, as if no one truly understood the complexity of my emotions. It was in this season that the tear jar and its timeless significance ministered to my soul.

The realization that God recorded my wanderings, put my tears in His bottle, and knew that He was for me became a lifeline to hope. The tear jar symbolism transformed from a historical artifact into a living reality for every season of life. God wasn't just a distant observer like everyone else. God was and is actively involved in all our moments. 

All along He has known my heartache. 

All along He has felt my sadness. 

All along He has held my tears.

Consider your moments of tears, whether stirred by joy or sadness. Recognize that God, who recorded the psalmist's wanderings, has also collected yours. Trust that God’s heart is also for you. He knows your heartache. He feels your emotions. God holds your tears closely; not a single drop has fallen unknown to Him. 

Let the tear jar be a symbol beginning today. Not a symbol of sorrow but of the extraordinary connection between you and the God who sees you. God's love and devotion are present in your life, friend. Don’t ever forget it.

Thank you so much to Shea Pirtle for writing this beautiful piece for us. Shea is the founder of our sister ministry, Just Breathe Ministries. Shea, a native of southern Tennessee, now resides in north Alabama with her dynamic family of five, accompanied by her crazy doodle, Bogey. A devout follower of the Christian faith since the age of 22, Shea's heart is devoted to her unwavering relationship with Jesus Christ. With a steadfast commitment spanning 18 years, she stands as a helpmate to her husband and pastor, Chris. Over the course of a decade, Shea's role as a mother to her daughters, Sophya and Raegan, transitioned significantly in 2021, as her family welcomed their son and brother, Oliver, into their family through the calling of fostering into adoption.Shea's drive lies in spreading her fervor for Jesus, and she takes delight in bringing the gospel to women far and wide! She approaches mentoring others in the divine teachings of God's inspired scripture with intensity and excitement!  There nothing she would rather do than speak Jesus over others! 

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