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Study on Hebrews

We can see who God is thanks to Jesus walking this earth.

As Jesus walked this earth and redeemed us, we see God’s character shining through. Jesus was full of truth while giving grace in the moment and so is god. Without God, there is no true grace to understand and we see it with Jesus on the cross. He is to be praised and honored as God is in Heaven on the throne. 

Jesus is far greater than any prophet or angel.

The angels worshipped Jesus and Jesus sent them to where they should go. angels are servants yet Jesus is sitting at the right Hand of God. God never honored them to such a high place but only had them as a messenger. Prophets also told of the prophesies that Jesus would and did fulfill. They were honored for their righteousness and faith but never their sinless life or destiny of being exalted alongside God. 

We are God’s Children.

When we are saved through Jesus Christ, we are made holy in the eyes of God thanks to the stand in of Christ as the High Priest. when we become saved, we become God’s children- His sons and daughters.  

Jesus can fully relate to us.

Jesus is fully God and fully human. He walked this earth after coming down from Heaven to relate to us. He came to save us and relate as we walk this broken world. Jesus is “Immanuel-God with us.” 

We have to remain in big faith.

Hebrews 3:14 says that if we are faithful until the end, we will share in all that belongs to Jesus. It’s not always going to be easy but even when the hard times come, we have to remain in high faith of what our God has, is and will continue to do. If you are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to you. As you walk through this life, don’t let your heart be hardened but let your heart and soul be comforted by the almighty God. 

Christ is our Perfect and Final High Priest before God.

There is so much that could be said about this but my prayer is that everyone rests in the truth that Jesus did it for us so we don’t have to. There is no longer a barrier between us and God. Jesus intercedes for us but made heaven, eternity and relationship accessible to us. 

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

This might be hard for some to understand but the truth of this should bring comfort to our longing soul. Jesus, God and His Word are eternal. They are ever present and consistent. They are eternal-infinite. They are mighty and powerful yet they desire our connection. There is no force. The same jesus that walked the earth in grace, love and confidence walks the streets of Gold and is waiting for you to run to Him in full confidence of eternity. 

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