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Striving for Peace.

Updated: May 20


Peace. Everyone strives for it. I do. You do. Even in our different lives we all need that moment of peace. Peace is- by definition- freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. When you read that you probably think that never happens. It’s never truly peaceful between my children or my job or going to school or even my friends/family but let me remind you that the peace we just read about is reachable. Peace is real but the only way you can reach true peace is through Jesus Christ.

God is peace and we know this because the fruits of the Spirit (God being three in one: the Father, Son & Holy Spirit) are love, joy, PEACE, gentleness, etc. [Galatians 5:22-23] So if we know God is peace then we know we can only truly reach it by being saved and in a relationship with them. John 14:6 expresses to us that the only way to the Father and His Wisdom is through Jesus. So my point is, without Jesus (who is the Prince of Peace [Isaiah 9:6]) we don’t know God and true peace.

As many of you know we find “peace” in worldly things. We try to substitute God’s peace and the emptiness when we don’t have it with things that we think will make us peaceful and happy. In the end though, we know that isn’t what we need and we feel more uneasy than ever.

Today and this week I want you to focus on things of this earth that you sometimes use as a substitute for peace. Is it friendships? Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Hobbies? Anything- figure it out and put it away. Let God be the true peace giver in your life. Also this week, think of things that are disturbances of your peace. We know the definition says that peace is freedom from disturbance so what disturbs your peace and ultimately your relationship with God because when your peace is altered, your faith is as well. I wanted to give you some examples of disturbances of peace in my life and maybe that can open some doors for you: change, waiting, God’s plan, relationships, worry, anxiety, stress, and my future. All of those things distract me in a way that disturbs my peace and pulls me away from God. Pray and think over things in your life that disturb your peace and your relationship then find verses to mend things.

We must remember who our God is and what He does. He promises peace- REAL peace that only He can give. [Psalm 4:8; John 16:33; Psalm 29:11] The only way we can know true peace is through prayer and spending time with God. Take your eyes off the storm and put them on Him. Don’t focus on everything but on the one who stays the same. You have to be right with God and in a relationship with Him. Don’t focus on yourself but of what He promises and who He is. Prayer is the antidote. Pray for His peace and His quiet, loving whispers. Focus on Him not the things that disturb you.

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful. (John 14:27)

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

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