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Updated: May 20

You know it starts out as a normal day.

A day of insignificance and routine.

Until it's not.

Until you see that person for the first time and the sparks fly.

It's the day that everything changes.

It's the day that marks a new beginning.

The next day, months and years are full of unexplainable laughter and smiles that hardly fade.

Sure, there might be hard times but it's mostly fun and butterflies.

Stolen kisses and holding hands with meaningful moments.

It's the little notes, the surprise dates and the big moments.

It's the first time you say I love you and the moment you know, they are the one.

You tell your family and friends.

You can't explain it.

You are in love and you know God picked them for you.

It's time for a next step and the answer is always yes.

Then comes the wedding day where you seal the beautiful covenant not only with them but God as well.

You know that your marriage is nothing unless God is the center of it.

It's an endless life of sleepovers with your best friend.

The honeymoon stage is fun as you laugh but also start to notice little quirks you never did before.

Arguments occur every now and then.

Sometimes maybe even really big fights that you wish would never occur.

Living with someone is very different than fun dates or stolen moments between work. Hard times come and sometimes you wonder if there are good times ahead.

You live out your vows and thank God for each other.

You go to church and you serve.

You find your spouse even more attractive when they give their all and lead in the Lord.

You thank God for the life you have.

Children are had and the time spent together is limited.

Sometimes you feel more like roommates than even lovers.

But you remember those butterflies that originally caused the smiles to never fade.

Days continue.

Work, school, ball games, PTO, holidays, church and all the things.

Parents pass.

Siblings grow up.

Jobs change.

You might even move homes or cities.

Kids push the boundaries.

When everything else feels shaky, you just hold on to each other.

Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and months into years.

You look back.

You look back on the day everything changed, the dates that were had, the moment I love you was said, the moment the yes happened, the big day, the sweet and intimate conversations, the movie nights, the normal days, the hard days, the celebration days, the vacations, the kids had and the way they grew way too fast.

You look back at it all and you remember that you always chose each other but the best decision was that you chose God together in everything life brought to you. 

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