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Recommended Reads for the Christian Girl

Updated: Jul 10

The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst 


I am pretty sure this book was made for me, Emily Davis. I have had a copy of this book for a while now. A friend recommended it to me that said she really needed it then Montana read it and told me that she believed it would resonate well with me. As I turned each page, I was captivated. It was easy to read and exactly what my heart needed to hear. As a people pleaser and someone who has a hard time saying no, this book helped me realize the importance of my best yes.

Lysa is a master at what she does. She writes as if she were right with you. This book was a masterpiece.

We need to sense God's invitation to say yes and give it our best.

Now and Not Yet by Ruth Chou Simons

This book...there aren't enough good things to say! I am a huge Ruth Chou Simons fan now. She writes beautifully and passionately. Her words convict and bring truth to your heart. This is one of the best books that I have read in a while. There are too many quotes to give but here are some of my favorites:

- You don't have to like the right now to lean into it.

- It's hard to live on purpose in the present when your expectations take you somewhere else.

- Our restlessness is more of a heart issue than a problem-solving issue.

- I need to see my current circumstances as God sees them.

- God wants your heart more than He wants your dreams to come true.

- What if we embrace the hidden years because our lives are hidden in Christ?

- Hidden doesn't mean forgotten by God.

- We simply cannot measure the success of our current season without taking into consideration the not yet fully developed plan that God has for us.

- We can't undermine the growth when we can't see the physical fruit.

- Slow growth is still growth.

- You don't have to be blooming to be growing.

- We can't will fruit into our lives.

- Every step of the journey is a part of the final project.

- Passion alone cannot produce what time and intention will.

- As a believer, when your someday feels far far away the right next step will always feel counterintuitive to the world as getting where you want to go. You see, God's perspective won't make a bit of sense if we don't believe He is trustworthy and purposeful or that the goal in life is greater than living for yourself.

Healing Empty Hands by Morgan Martin 

There are so many things I could point out about her book but I truly just want to say that any woman that has walked through a miscarriage should read it. Honestly, if you have someone close to you that has had one, read it. This book is real + raw. It's so true to what women walk through. 

I walked through my miscarriage about two and a half years ago yet it still feels fresh at times. Even as I hold my rainbow baby, I dream of my baby that is walking with Jesus. I have followed Morgan for a while on social media and when her book came out, I knew I needed to read it. I never imagined it would help me as much as it has. Morgan writes as if she were telling a story. In a way, she is. She is telling her healing and redemptive story. She writes in truth and is totally real with you. Her book showed me that I am not alone. I absolutely loved this book and will recommend it to any woman that has walked through loss.

-Emily Davis

I don’t exactly remember how I found Morgan’s Instagram but it’s been such a blessing to me. Watching and learning from her about walking through a miscarriage. When she released her book I knew I had to read it. I wish I would’ve had it 5 years ago when I walked through mine but it still left such an impact on my life. Her vulnerability and faith really healed parts of my heart. If you or someone close to you has walked through a miscarriage, I HIGHLY suggest reading this beautiful book. So encouraging and a super easy read.

-Montana Wallace

Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

I can honestly say that I might read this book again but as a paper book instead of listening. This book was filled with truth and passion. As I listened, I often forgot to write down points that I loved because I was so wrapped up in it. I would recommend this book to any and every Christian woman.

Some of my favorite quotes:

  • The enemy might keep coming but he won't keep winning.

  • We don't have the luxury of playing nice with prayer.

  • Fervent prayers are fueled by faith and fire.

  • There is something underneath the surface that you can't see controlling, and manipulating the situation that you can see.

  • The Bible may be an old book, but God's spirit makes it fresh and alive for us.

  • The only way to have an effective fight in a marriage is to pray.

  • Prayer is how you isolate the problem at the root. Prayer is how we isolate the real enemy.

  • Not every good thing is a god thing, because even good things can culminate into slavery.

LIVE by Sadie Robertson 

I really enjoyed this book but I will say that it is more geared to girls in highschool and college. There is so much truth and goodness within it to help girls throughout their faith walk. 

I will say though that the way she wrote about The Prodigal Son brought a whole new perspective to the story. Sadie made it so personal which I LOVED. I have always seen where you can make a Bible verse personal but it was so neat to see how she made a parable super personal. 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • There is so much freedom in living in the moment. 

  • I think God will turn our mourning into dancing when we simply rest in His presence, when we rest in the joy of who He is. 

  • You cannot quit being royal, because that’s what you have always been- even before you were born. When the King of the world knit you together in your mother’s womb. Now, what you choose to do with your position as a child of the King is totally up to you. 

  • No matter what age or stage you find yourself in, you can show up for the day and show up for others. 

God is Able by Priscilla Shirer

This book was so good and filled with truths that we all need to remember. God IS able. He is so good and big. We need to start believing the truth of what He can do.

Some of my favorite quotes:

- Just because God can does not mean he will. Just because God hasn't doesn't mean He won't.

- Because He is able, and because He is love, our hearts are completely secure in any in every situation.

- Sometimes the greatest miracles show in a transformed attitude.

- Sometimes His best work is not what He does for us, but what He does inside of us.

- Our primary goal should not be for God to answer our prayers exactly how we think they should be, but that we would know him more fully.

- As soon as you connect your current situations with God, you raise a banner of hope to your heart and mind.

- Turning to Jesus means that you quit staring at your problems.

- Believing that God can is our business.

- If we knew all that He was doing, we would not be able to bear that truth.

- Even in the fine print, God's all means all.

- We can have God's power in our lives, and not use it.

- With God's help, we can win the battle every single time.

- What if you said a lot more about God's work instead of your worries?

Your Next 24 Hours by Hal Donaldson

I really enjoyed this book but it wasn't as "Christian" as I was hoping. It was geared towards kindness with different stories and scriptures within. This book has tons of one liners that can really help impact and change your day. I loved how at the end of every chapter was a list of "kind ways" which are suggestions on how to be kind.

Some of my favorite quotes:

- Fulfillment does not come from exceeding others But from elevating others.

- Sacrificial giving is not a contractual obligation.

- We make a living by what we get and we make a life by what we give.  

- Generosity requires making room.

- Grief is medicine, and tears are therapeutic.

- Your kindness is not contingent upon others gratitude. It's likely that you have a greater influence on their lives than you realize.

- Kindness is seldom followed by a period.

- When gratitude and generosity come together, there is no limit of what can happen.

The Sacrament of Happy by Lisa Harper

I absolutely loved this book. It was full of amazing advice and insight of happiness within Christ BUT I also loved listening to Lisa read the book herself. I won't was harder for me to take notes during this one because she pulled me in so well. Lisa speaks through her struggle of religion, broken dreams, abuse and more areas of her story. She goes through texts within the Bible and speaks such truth from them. I would honestly recommend this book to anyone.

Some of my favorite quotes:

- Why do we always look at “happy” in past or future tenses? “Every good gift is from God” and happy is good then is happy a gift?

- Let the Holy Spirit mess with your mental picture of God and you won't regret it.

- The truth about God being happy with us is that it's not up to us.

- No one's true happiness is based in luck if it is rooted in true joy

What Happens When Women Say Yes to God & Walk in Faith by Lysa Terkeurst

Wow! I loved this beautiful keepsake book combo done by Lysa. This is honestly the perfect book for the season I am in for growing a ministry but it is not limited to that. This book is for all women who want to dive deep into their relationship with God and leave a legacy fully into His plan. I want to be a woman totally and completely in love with Jesus.

One of the things I love about this book is that at the end of each chapter, there is a little Bible study section. It was so good and helped develop me more!

Some of my favorite lines:

- God has worked good in every one of these situations. As I look back and reflect on our difficult times, I can see how He has protected us.

- Feelings follow correct behaviors, not the other way around. Make right choices to honor God, and your feelings will eventually catch up.

- God's plan was perfect, and when I left my plans behind, God let me participate in His.

- When we ask God to continually give us the desire to remain obedient, He does. He will help us to want to obey Him and will give us His power to do so.

- Obey based on your decision to obey, not on your ever-changing feelings.

- Being a follower of Christ is a continual process of learning, growing, stretching, and trusting. Each day we can look and listen to God's invitation to join Him in His wondrous work.

Stumbling into Grace by Lisa Harper

Lisa's books just have a way of wrapping me up into laughter, conviction and comfort. This is the second book I have listened to by her. It was absolutely enchanting. I didn't make a ton of notes because I was so into her book. I highly recommend it and can't wait to listen to her next one!

Some of my favorite quotes:

- God wants us to care more about people than policies.

- Focus on loving more than looking spiritual.

- Even good things can turn into enemies of God's best for us.

- The church needs to look more like a hospital than a country club.

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman

 I absolutely loved this book! It gave new perspectives on motherhood and how to view motherhood through God's eyes. I highly recommend to any mama out there.

Some of my favorite quotes:

- A mother's plans are not ultimate, but God's are.

- To give Grace to our children, we must first accept Grace from God and everything we did.

- Mommy guilt can't crush us because Jesus was crushed on the cross for us.  

- It's hard to complain when your heart is full of praise.

- See the mundane of life as a way of worship.

- When I look at motherhood, as a task list instead of way for God to make me holy I will miss out on all that God has in this adventure.

- (my favorite) We can't focus so much on how we parent and what we do as a parent to where we barely even talk about what God is doing or how God has taught us during this season. Parenting is not supposed to boost our ego or make it to where the child is the center of our world. No child should have to live under the pressure that they hold their parents' world up.

Good Boundaries + Goodbyes by Lysa Terkeurst

I absolutely loved this book. Along with It’s Not Supposed to be This Way, GBGB is my favorite book by Lysa. It was real and raw. I learned good and Godly attributes of boundaries in a way that I never have before. I believe that every Christian should read this book. It is beneficial for any and all walks of faith. 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • Remember that you are establishing a boundary in support of the relationship, not against it. 

  • The greatest joy in life isn’t when it all works out like we hoped it would. It’s when we experience the God of the universe pausing to reach us and remind us we aren’t alone. What hurts us will not be our full story. 

  • Integrity is humble honesty before the Lord and with other people. 

  • Boundaries help me stay true to who I am. 

  • Remember, our motivation is to love people well, and to do this we can’t allow ourselves to get into such an emotionally drained and unhealthy place that this isn’t possible. 

  • Even when people turned on Jesus, He didn’t let a goodbye turn Him into someone He was never meant to be.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa Terkeurst 

(another Lysa book...who is surprised?!)

This book took me a while to read but I think it is because life got in the way. It was SO good. I would highly recommend reading this THEN Good Boundaries and Goodbyes. I absolutely love Lysa and the way she writes because she writes as though you were sharing your stories with each other over coffee.

One of my favorite things about this book is how packed it is with scripture. Lysa walks through the importance of forgiveness in all areas and the Biblical truth behind it. She talks about the meanings of shame, conviction, condemnation and reconciliation. If you haven't read this one, it should be on your list!

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • Saving someone isn’t possible if they don’t agree that they need to be saved. 

  • Loss is never the end of the story.

  • Spending time processing their reasoning doesn’t help me move forward. 

  • We must understand that, while forgiveness is a command, reconciliation is only encouraged as it is possible. 

  • Instead of running away I will run to God when I need help. Perspective is what I’m holding on to and what I’m carrying from here. 

  • Not everything that’s been taken from us was by the hand of God. But when I mentally place each and every loss in His hands, it can be redeemed. 

Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

This book was so good and definitely a book that helped improve my understanding of some women in the Bible. I actually was so shocked to find out things on Bathsheba that I never knew. Anyways, this book has five different women in it from the Bible where Rivers goes deeper into their stories. There are fiction aspects within the stories but it was so good. If you like The Chosen, you would probably love this. She also has one on different men in the Bible that I plan to read.

Stories on:

- Tamar

- Rahab

- Ruth

- Bathsheba

- Mary (the mother of Jesus)

Montana also gave a review:

Emily has referred to this book 100 times so I finally decided to pick it up. I have never read a book this big! Although the book is fiction, it really personifies these 5 women in the Bible: Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, and Mary. I had my phone out constantly googling things to help tie it all together(mainly about all the tribes). This book connected so many dots for me and made me see the Bible really come to life. Each story is roughly 100 pages so it’s quick and easy! I have so much love for these women now and I’m thankful for their stories- even more than I was before!

Win the Day by Mark Batterson

I really enjoyed this book! It was the first book I listened to on Audible and I truly feel like I was able to grasp a good bit more of the meaning behind the book. Mark Batterson truly laid out a great plan for you to walk through this life and win the day.


Some key points from the book that impacted my life:

- You aren't defined by what you did wrong. You are defined by what God did right.

- The circumstances you are trying to change might be what God is trying to do to change you.

- Delayed obedience is disobedience.

- Dream big but start small.

- When you know you are loved by God, you don't have to play God and the people  you love don't have to bear that impossible burden.

It’s Not Supposed to be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst 

This is the first book that I ever read by Lysa T and it is for sure my favorite. Lysa writes as if she were sitting right beside you and mentoring you. Her writing is real, raw and unique. 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • He longs to help us through the process of being made into the image of Christ. He is our ultimate example of wrestling well between divine faith and human feelings, so the more we become like Him, the more we learn to trust God, no matter what our human eyes can see.

  • God is in often overlooked places. We don’t have to find Him. God is not far from us. We just have to make the choice to see Him and rightly attribute to Him the good that does exist. 

  • Sometimes you just have to walk in your “I don’t know.”

  • Fear seems to be a close cushion of disappointment. 

  • We take the comfort of God we’ve received in the midst of our disappointments and use it to bring comfort to others. 

  • If I want His promises, I have to trust His process. 

Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen

YES, I recommend!

For those that struggle with overthinking and anxiety, this is your book. Jennie is real and raw as she tells her story and the redemption God brought to her life. She gives you guide maps and practical tools to combat the spiral in your mind.

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • What I realized, in emerging from my eighteen-month spiral of doubt, was that I had to go to war. I had to read God's Word and find every weapon available to fight.

  • The antidote to running from ourselves is running to the only One who helps us get over ourselves. 

  • When our minds are consumed with anxiety and doubts and fears, we can choose to remember what’s true about God. 

  • We replace the lie of our greatness with the truth of who God is- and how needy we are apart from Him. Humility becomes the only logical posture of our hearts. 

  • Jesus humbled Himself deeply so that we’d be compelled to live lives of deep humility too.

  • We all have contagious minds. Being consumed by the mind of Jesus cannot stop with us. 

I do not have this figured out.  I still don't have it all handled but this book + counseling truly helped me walk through a very mind-spiraling season.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World 

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World was the exact book my heart needed. It took me a while to read this book but I think God timed it perfectly to fit in the season I was in. I was able to remind myself that I don't have to perform for God's approval. He just wants my heart. He would rather me sit at His feet to learn and love than do all the things because I feel like I have to. I truly believe that every woman needs to read this book. 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • But when you’re truly a servant, a job title and position are completely secondary. You’re willing to do whatever needs to be done. 

  • When we surrender ourselves to be used by God, we don’t always get to pick the time, the method, or the place of ministry. In fact, sometimes, we may find ourselves doing nothing at all - except praying and waiting for God’s leading. 

  • For though we already know the ending, we don’t get to skip ahead to the end - at least not yet. And that, I believe, is because God has a lot He wants to teach us as the story unfolds. For tucked among the twists and turns of the everyday plot are valuable lessons about who God is and how He works and how we fit into the tale. 

  • Total abandonment was what God demanded, nothing less. 

  • Being balanced is not so much a matter of staying in perfect equilibrium as it is a matter of finding the right rhythm for our lives. 

  • Saying yes to Him releases His power and His joy to our souls. It’s what gives us the strength and the energy to do what He wants us to do. 

These are some books I read a while back so I don't fully remember them all but still love + recommend them!

Not From God by Kaitlyn Chappell Rogers

One of my favorite books for personal or group study! I did this book as a small group a few years ago and you cannot turn a page without seeing notes everywhere. She beautifully and perfectly aligned real tangible scripture within God's Truth that He revealed to her while also challenging the reader at the end of each lesson.

Mic-drop statement:

"Your passion for God takes priority over pleasing everyone."

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • The only way to stop overthinking and start over-trusting is to take our thoughts hostage. 

  • JOY: Jesus, others, yourself

  • We cannot stop doing what God is calling us to do just to please everyone else around us. 

Comparison was probably my very favorite lesson though and as I thumbed through to write this, I am realizing that I need to read this book again today!

It’s Okay Not to be Okay by Sheila Walsh 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • Only God knows whether you’re serving our of pain or passion, out of a genuine calling or a devastating wound.

  • When we give Jesus our not enough, He blesses it and breaks it and He feeds His people.

  • Grace is a gift unique to those in relationship with God.

  • Our position in life should never determine our posture in service. 

Embracing the Broken by Tiffany Webster 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • I was reading the Bible out of duty, not for help. 

  • Whatever God brings us to, He will lead us through. 

  • I’m just saying that maybe, just maybe, perfectionism had me beating myself up and feeling like a failure over things that didn’t really happen. 

  • Perfectionism is pride of the highest order, with a variety of consequences. Perfectionism fears men more than God, it separates us from connection, and it distances us from Christ’s grace. 

Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst

I read this book a long time ago so I need to refresh for sure but I absolutely loved walking through this book. It was real and raw in the midst of heartbreak and disappointment. I would recommend it to all women - even teen girls. 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • When we know Christ, it should show in our overflow, regardless of our relative success or discouragement in the face of rejection. From our hearts to our thoughts to our words to our actions, we have no business rolling in stink. 

  • God says if we direct our worship to Him, He will give us strength to turn from the mistakes of yesterday and provide portions for our needs today. 

  • As a follower of Jesus, we are followers of wisdom. 

  • Today’s disappointment is making room for tomorrow’s appointment. 

  • God’s love isn’t based on me. It’s placed on me. And it’s from the place from which I should live…loved. 

Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley 

Some of my favorite quotes: 

  • You can’t be 99 percent free and call that freedom. You can’t hold on to even 1 percent of the past and say your chains are broken. Freedom must be complete in order to be called freedom.

  • Distraction is being preoccupied with anything outside our priorities. 

  • Stop focusing on what you don’t know or don’t have and start focusing on what you do have right now. 

  • Maybe transformation can be hard because, although it’s a beautiful and necessary process, something must die for it to occur.

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