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On Purpose

Updated: May 20

We all have a purpose even as our calling changes through the seasons of life, our purpose will always stay the same. 

Purpose: Love God and pursue a relationship with Him while loving people and ministering to them (Matthew 22:36-40; 28:18-20)

We must adjust to our season to intentionally pursue the purpose of our life which is bringing others to Jesus as we love our Father. & do you know what this means? 




When we use the season of our lives and/or our gifts He has given us to love God, minister to others and love others then we are truly fulfilling our purpose on this earth. You have a purpose that will never change but God might change your season that could change your calling. Right now, you might be like me where motherhood is our full calling and while I will always be a mother, it might not be as forefront as it is right now. Your calling might be as a wife, teacher, business owner, employee, leader in the church, trash taker and more. There are people in your life that are specifically put there for you to minister to that others won’t. Nothing is too big or too small in your pursuit of your purpose within the calling of your season. 

But how can we truly work to walk in our calling to pursue the purpose before us? 

Romans 12:1-2 tells us to fully walk in His Word and Truth as we commit to Him and become more like Him. 

Psalms 40:8 gives us the attitude of excitement as we do God’s will. 

Ecclesiastes 12:13 reminds us that we are to love God so much that we can’t help but follow His guidelines and respect Him. (John 14:15-17 reminds us of this too!)

Psalms 57:2 is a declaration and promise that God will always fulfill our purpose in life. I can promise you that each and everyone of us have impacted the Kingdom in one way or another in some form or fashion because there are no accidents with God - only divine appointments. 

And lastly, John 15:16 tells us that God chose us specifically for our calling in life to pursue the purpose set before us. 

God will reveal your calling to you as you continue to move closer and pursue Him. 

Psalm 119:105 shows me that His Word guides me. 

Acts 20:24 reminds me that my life is worth nothing if eternity has not been pursued.

Colossians 3:23 and Ecclesiastes 11:9 brings an eternal perspective to everything that I do as I walk through this life. 

Hebrews 13:20-21, Proverbs 3:5-6 and Matthew 7:7-11 reminds me that as I ask God for guidance and as I pursue Him relationally through prayer, worship and communion then He will give me what I ask in walking through this life. 

So what’s next? 

  • Are you living in your calling as you walk in God’s purpose?

  • Are you aware of the purpose in your life? 

  • What are you going to do to walk in your calling of God’s purpose? 

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