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Names of God through Isaiah by Casey Groder

Updated: Jul 11

Because He is the Lord Our God,

we can submit to His authority.

Because He is The King,

we can yield to His command.

Because He is Immanuel,

we know that He is with us.

Because He is a Sanctuary,

we can hide in Him when trials come.

Because He was the prophesied Child, born in Bethlehem, we can believe in the testimony of the prophets. Because He is the Prince of Peace,

we have no cause for anxiety.

Because He is Wonderful,

our future is bright.

Because He is Our Counselor,

we can gain wisdom from on High.

Because He is Our Mighty God,

no one can stand against us.

Because He is Our Everlasting Father,

we are forever His Children.

Because He is Lord almighty, Lord of Hosts, we know that Angel armies are at His command.

Because He is The Light of Israel, someday all nations will come to the LIGHT. Because He is The Branch,

we are now grafted into the family of God.

Because He is The Root of Jesse,

Jesus became the righteous rightful King of Heaven and Earth. Because He is Our Strength,

God uses our weakness for His Glory.

Because He is Our Song,

we can boast of His Goodness and Mercy. Because He is Our Salvation,

we need not fear what tomorrow brings. Because He is Most High,

no one else compares.

Because He is Our Savior,

we are bought with His precious blood. Because He is Our Rock,

we can stand securely in His Word

Because He is a Nail in a sure Place,

we know that He will not change.

Because He is a glorious Throne to His Father's house, God will be honored on the last day.

Because He is the Righteous One,

we know that He will rule with justice and truth. Because He is Strength to the poor and needy, we can freely give what God has given us.

Because He is a Refuge from the tempest and Our Hiding Place, we are not shaken.

Because He is the Shadow of a great rock in a weary land, we have shelter even during our driest seasons. Because He is The Creator and the Maker,

the God of all the earth,

we can trust His plans and purposes.

Because He is The Precious Cornerstone and Our Sure Foundation,

we choose to build our life with Faith in Him. Because He is the Glorious Crown,

we know that no other ruler has authority like He does. Because He is the Spirit of Justice,

we can hold on to the promise that injustice will be punished.

Because He is the Potter,

we are molded in the palm of His hands. Because He is Rivers of water in a dry place,

His Word nourishes us to life everlasting. Because He is Our Judge and Our law giver,

we can trust His wisdom and rely on His faithfulness. Because He is the Sovereign Lord,

we know that He reigns over all.

Because He is the Holy One,

we can only draw near to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Because He is Our Shepherd,

we are guided by His Gentle voice.

Because He is the Redeemer, we are SAVED!

Because He is the Warrior and Our Conquering Hero,

He fights FOR US!

Because He is the First and the Last,

we are sure that He knows the end from the beginning. Because He is the Spirit,

we can walk daily with His powerful presence residing within us. Because He is the Servant,

we too can serve.

Because He is Our grief and sorrow Bearer,

we can give all of our burdens to Him, and be lifted up! Because He is the Our Righteous Mediator,

nothing will pass His notice, all who turn to Him will be saved. Because He is the Husband,

we can accept His garments of righteousness,

to be clothed as His Bride.

Because He is Our witness,

we can be His Witness on this earth.

Because He is Our Leader and Commander,

we can lead with integrity and excellence.

Because He is The everlasting Light,

we will never be in the dark.

Because He is the Father,

we are, through His Son Jesus Christ, rightfully His Children.

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