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My Current Bible Study Life

Updated: Jul 29

As many of you know, I took on the goal of reading all of the epistles this year and by July, I finished them all. This might be surprising to many but I have never been very good at reading the Bible. I haven’t been one to consistently study and this year I have even had my gap moments. It hasn’t always been consistent but it has become more of a habit in the day. 

For most of my life when I would open the Bible, I would feel lost. Where do I start? What is this saying? How can this apply to me? I believe that every believer has asked those same questions at one time or another. Honestly, I still ask those questions at times. The difference between now and then is that I don’t stay in that place. I long to find the answers. I want to see what the text is saying and how it can apply to my life. I mean goodness, this Bible that we hold is a tangible and beautiful gift from God to help us through this life with the Holy Spirit as our guide. It is PRECIOUS. It is GOOD. 

This year has been different for me in studying. I used to use study guides when reading my Bible. I would let someone else guide me through the text. This is good and I still use Bible studies often when leading groups but I have found that it is so much better when I dive into the text alone then get helpful notes along the way from outside sources. Ladies, it isn’t as hard as we think. I believe the problem is that we don’t know the Author to the book that we are supposed to be reading and living by. We have to learn to get into the Word of God without always having supplemental help. 

When is the last time that you have opened up God’s Word and gleaned from it yourself? Have you recently picked up your paper Bible with a pen and highlighter then read His Word and let it speak into your life? If we are always gleaning from someone else then we can miss the specific message that God has for us. 

I want to challenge you to open up your Bible. I am not one that has a specific time or spot that I read the Bible but I do try to get in the Word daily. God has words waiting for you that can renew your spirit. Sometimes we read verses that we have read multiple times but God has a divine appointment for you when His Word is read. The Word of God is living and vital to our lives. It is God-breathed and we are reminded in John 1 that the Word has always been here. The Word of God has always been around and while we don’t worship it, we do let it guide us to our Father Whom we do worship. 

Sister, it’s time to pick up your Bible and let God speak to you in a way that only He can. 

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