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Meeting Him in the Giggles

I am a firm believer in God sending you your babies to keep you giggling. Don't get me wrong, it's still hard sometimes. I mean there are sometimes I am definitely not giggling. There are also times that I giggle to keep from crying when motherhood becomes overwhelming. I think the best way to navigate motherhood is to giggle your way through it. 

But this is one of those times where I was giggling because my son was doing the cutest thing that God also let convict me of my faith walk. 

I am also a firm believer in us learning so much about God from our children. They can teach us so much if we just stop and let Him speak through them or their situation. 

My son is about 18MO old and though he is fearless, there is always one thing that can stop him in his tracks. When my son is walking and he comes along a big crack in the sidewalk or a gap between the sidewalk and bridge, he doesn't know what to do. He stops in his tracks and starts to panic. His shoe is twice the size of the crack yet he is petrified to cross. He doesn't have a wide range of speech so he will whine and just walk back and forth unsure of what to do. Everytime this happens, I giggle. I know it's not the best mama thing to do but it just makes me laugh when he's confidently walking and having a blast but then a small crack deters all of his plans. 

My sweet boy will not walk over those cracks until I (or another grown up) holds his hand and helps him over. As I did this numerous times at the park for him to walk over the bridge, I couldn't help but feel God tap on my shoulder and say “Emily, you aren't too far from this.” 

While the gap might seem small to me, my son sees it as huge. He feels as though he can't make it over on his own and it is almost paralyzing. Sometimes he decides it isn't even worth it so he goes somewhere else that is less fun. The Lord reminded me that I am often this way during my faith walk. Sometimes when I am on this journey of life, I come to something new and don't feel like I can make it. I start to whine and wave my arms around. I'll sometimes wander off to something not as great as what is ahead because I'm scared of the big faith step- scared of the unknown. As I am flustered and unsure, I am reminded to stop and feel His presence so that I can get over that gap…take that step. My son won't take the step unless I hold his hand because he knows I won't let go and will help him to the other side. My God does so much more for me. He never leaves my side and He gladly helps me over the gap in faith to the next thing. Every step is designed by Him perfectly. 

I'm so thankful God meets me in motherhood. I'm thankful He gave me my babies and that He allows me to learn more about His faithfulness through them. I'm thankful that He meets me in the giggles so that I can have a faithful reminder.

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