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Lessons from Philippians

Updated: May 20

Joy is found in Christ, not our circumstances.

Paul wrote this book from prison yet he expressed indescribable an uncomparable joy. He says over and over that true joy is rooted in christ. WE know this to be true because happiness is a feeling but joy is a choice. we must live in the truth that no matter what comes our way, we can proclaim joy. 

God can literally use anything to further the kingdom.

Philippians 1:15-19 explains that anything that brings glory to god is a good thing. I struggled with this text as I read it the first time but it just shows the magnificence and sovereignty of our God. nothing is wasted when it comes to God and His plan.    

There is victory in death or life. 

This one is a tough one to remember and live out but we do hold the beautiful promise to know that the battle is won and eternity is spent in the presence of God. We either get to live on earth getting closer to him and bringing others to him or in heaven overwhelmed with complete awe in his presence. we don’t have to worry about what is next- he holds it all. 

Nothing is valuable compared to christ.

This life has such beautiful things. There are good things in this life. God is gracious to give us good and beautiful things. and that’s the thing, He gives it so it shouldn’t mean more to us than he does. Nothing in this life holds a candle up the lord. He is the highest. He is of the most value and if we were to lose everything, we should still be content because we hold the promise of Christ. (Philippians 3:7-11) 

All paths of life lead to testimony.

Verse 12 in chapter 1 is a reminder that everything that happened to paul strengthened his testimony to share with others. This is encouragement to us. no matter what we face, God can use it for HIS good. Paul’s life is full of all sorts of ups and downs yet god has been glorified in every aspect. He is that good and that sovereign. We can let God do this in our life as well. 

We all need a Timothy.

In chapter two, paul encourages them that timothy is coming to visit. Paul was a mentor of timothy. We all need to have someone that we are helping grow their faith. We don’t have it all figured out but our mission is to help others further the kingdom. When you are no longer a “baby Christian”, ask God to reveal someone for you to encourage in their walk. 

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