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Lessons from Galatians

Updated: May 20

I am the church.

We are a part of the capital-C-church. God came to save us as a people and even though we have messed it up, we are all a part of the church. Paul reminds us that there is no longer a difference in us once we are saved by Christ. We are apart of His family and the church which makes us His heirs. 

The Holy Spirit has to guide us. 

We are free in Christ! Christ came to redeem and set us free but in our freedom, we can’t go about life abusing God’s grace. So as believers, we need to let the Holy Spirit come to be an advocate for us. He needs to lead and guide us as we go through this life. THe Holy Spirit guides and fills us with the desire to honor God. 

If we were saved only by obeying the law, we would never reach Heaven. 

Galatians 3 reminds us with the truth that none of us can be made right by keeping the law. Jesus came to rescue us from the grasp of the law and because of him, we don’t have to do it all to be right with him. jesus makes us right with God. He bridges the gap for us. If it were up to us, none of us would reach heaven because we are so far from perfect. 

God has no favorites.

Despite what people believe, God has no favorites. You don’t have to preach on a stage or lead a small group to have a closer relationship with God. God calls each of us to the path He has laid before us. He has purpose for us all. We are saved by Him then develop a deep and beautiful relationship with Him that flows into the abundance of showing it. 

God has called us as His heirs.

Galatians 4 tells us in full confidence that since God sent His Son that was born of a woman to buy us freedom from the law so that He could adopt us. We are now adopted as His children. He loves us so much that He chose to send His perfect Son to save us so we could become His children. We are so unworthy yet He loves us that deeply and calls us to be His heirs. Because we are His children, we are His heirs.  

Do what you are called to do. There is no room or time for comparison. 

Galatians 6 reminds us that we are doing what god calls us to do so we can’t sit and compare our tasks to someone else’s tasks. God has specific roles and jobs for each of us. All of our fields are different yet the harvest is still plenty. Harvest the field that God has laid before you. You are responsible for the path god has you on.

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