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Lessons from Ephesians

Updated: May 20

We have always been loved deeply by God.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:4-8 that even before the world was made, God loved and chose us. He decided in that moment, knowing we would mess up, that we were going to be his children. He knew he would send his son to save us so we could be adopted into his family. He chose to forgive us and shower his love, kindness, wisdom and understanding. 

The same power that raised Jesus is in me!

In Ephesians 1:19-22 Paul tells us that he prays we can understand the immense power that God has. God is mysterious but we can still know Him as deeply as He allows. Paul reminds us that the power that raised Jesus from the dead is made accessible to us. 

We have an unwavering hope that we love with.

Ephesians 2:12-14 reminds us that when we are a citizen of the earth there is no true hope because the belief is not in eternity with christ. When we know we are saved and living a life like christ, we have an unwavering hope. No matter what this life brings, there is hope in eternity. We are no longer separated from god. we are his family and there is only love in the mix. 

Anger cannot have a foothold in our life.

Anger can be destructive if you allow it to. Anger is an emotion that God did give us and god has even been angered but it is how you act on your anger that makes it destructive. we cannot allow anger to have a foothold in our life. 

As we work, we work for God.

Paul uses the text to speak to slaves and masters but then segways it to speak over all believers that in everything they do, it is with enthusiasm and for God. No matter what we do in life, it is for god. It can better our relationship, better someone else’s relationship or encourage them in their walk. God can and will use anything to further his kingdom so we have to be ready!

We are no longer in darkness.

We no longer live in darkness but live in the unmoving light of christ. If we say we are believers then we develop a relationship with Christ that will overflow from our hearts, words and actions. We become a light to all of those around because His light shines through us. The light of Christ and believers is only good, right and true.

We don’t have to fight fact, we can’t fight alone.

Paul ends Ephesians by reminding us that the true fight is against satan. our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces all around. Yes, the battle is won but there are still little fights we must continually win in christ. We are instructed to put on the armor of God to fight against the tactics of the enemy. 

Our Armor: (Ephesians 6:10-20)

  • Belt of truth 

  • Breastplate/body armor of righteousness

  • Shoes of peace to spread the good news

  • Shield of faith

  • Helmet of salvation 

  • Sword of the spirit 

  • Prayer!

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