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Lessons from Colossians

Updated: May 20

He rescued us and shares in the inheritance. 

Jesus has the full inheritance yet He chose to leave Heaven to relate to us and save us so we could share in the inheritance. We now get the abundance of life here on earth but also to walk the streets of Gold. There is a beautiful eternity that we get to spend with God. 

Stand firm in God’s truth + let it be the foundation of your life. 

My faith needs to grow strong in the Truth of Christ. As we grow in Christ, our gratitude grows. We have to stay connected with Christ as our walk grows. Our roots need to grow deep as we study the Word, pray, commune with other believers and worship Him. Our faith should not waiver as we know the faithfulness of God. 

Our accusations and sins are nailed to the cross. 

We were dead in our sin but Jesus came and brought us back to life when He was raised to life. God raised Jesus and raised us with Him as He forgave us from our sins. When Jesus was dreadfully nailed to the cross, so were our sins. Now, we no longer have to worry against those that would try to take that victory away. Jesus sealed the deal for us. 

Take every moment to spread the Gospel. 

Is Jesus reflected in every moment of your life? Honestly, probably not because we are human but we need to look for ways to spread the Gospel in every moment. Live wisely as you go about your day. Every minute counts and make the most of every opportunity God puts in your way. There are no accidents with God. 

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