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Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter

Updated: May 20

We have always been loved deeply by God.

the bible says in 1 Peter 1:2 that we are fully known by god and were chosen Long ago! the god of the universe that created everything wanted to fully know and create you in your own uniqueness. Then he chose to redeem you of your sins by the blood of his son. You are loved so deeply by god. 

We have to be ready to express what the good news has done in our own life. 

At any moment, someone could question our faith. we have to walk this life in the holy being that god has made us as we follow Christ in all that we do, WE must be ready to tell people how and why we are christians. we have to express what the good news is and why it is good news.

We can fully and completely show others the goodness of God. 

we are god’s holy nation. we are god’s own people. we are chosen by him. we are in the light! he has brought us into the light after being stuck in the darkness of this world by the blood of his only and perfect son. we are able to stop and just magnify the goodness of what he has, does and will continue to do in our own lives. 

Trials show true faith. 

it is written all of the bible. God allows trials to grow our faith. Our test becomes our testimony. our trials prove that there is only one true and good god. 

We might lose some people as we follow jesus. 

when you truly follow christ, you lose people. when you no longer participate in this world, people will move away from you because they don’t want to leave the “fun” of sin. We must stand strong and true to know we are working towards heaven and the greatest reward is eternity. always pray and encourage those who are not in the faith but also be ready that you might lose people.

We must be aware of the false teachers around us.

Most of 2 peter focuses on false teachers within the church. We have to be aware that we follow Christ - not people. It is always good to go to church and small groups to grow your faith but you must always be sure you build your faith as an individual and test the words of those who teach within your own study. We have to be on guard to not be led astray and take heart because God will take care of those doing wrong. 

Ask God to reveal what controls you. 

2 peter 2:19 says that you are a slave to whatever controls you. We have to reveal what controls us but we can only truly do this with God’s help. God must be the rock of our lives and the source of everything. it must all flow to and from him. 

Everyone else might forget the truth of god but we won’t.

2 peter tells us that people will forget and talk ugly about christ upon his return. but he is the good, just and merciful god. His patience is saving others. If he were to come now, who would be left behind? God’s time is different than ours but his plan is perfect. We have to remember to stand strong and firm in our faith as we bring others to christ and await his return.

We are called to live peaceful lives. 

As we walk this life, peter tells us to make every effort to live a peaceful life. This means not taking offense. This means taking the high road. this means forgiveness. This means love. this means grace. this means becoming a servant. This means being like jesus and the only way to do this is to know him as you study and speak with huim.

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