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Lessons from 1, 2, 3 John + Jude

Updated: May 20

WE are to be in the light. 

As Christ’s followers, there is no way that we can be in the darkness. We know that light has always been a part of who God is. We are to be the light of the world. We are to be the joy, peace, hope and full of it all for others to see the light of Christ. When we are in the light and exposed, they see every bit of Jesus...even in our mess. 

This world is temporary. 

Despite how it seems, this world is temporary. The things of this world don’t fill a spiritual hunger when not connected to the Father. The world won’t be here forever and neither will the things but God remains forever and the people of this world are the only things we can take to Heaven. We must focus on the eternal aspects of Earth on our way to Heaven. 

As followers, we are called to be there for other believers.

We are not meant to just stroll through this life. Our faith must be evident and good. Be in fellowship with Christ and others because this world will probably hate us. 

But As followers of Christ, we must: 

1.Love each other. 

2.Hold each other accountable. 

3.Check Our hearts. 

Loving like god is faithfully + unconditionally. 

We must follow Christ and show love in all that we do. Love is doing what God commanded us and God commanded us to love others. When we don’t love, we are wandering away from God. 

Hospitality defines you.

We must be hospitable to others. We are defined by how we care for others. Jesus was always caring and loving for others. They might not have had the most beautiful places to stay but He did care for people and was hospitable to them. Treat others like Jesus. 

Build others up.

Jude calls us to build others up in our faith by staying safe in God’s love. 

We must: 

1. Have holy faith.

2. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit 

3. Await the mercy of Jesus Christ. 

We have to be ready to love others where they are but not leave them there. Help show them conviction and accountability. 

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