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Hi Father...

By: Christy Fuller

Hi Father,

It’s me. I have so much to tell You. I faced a fear recently. It was causing so much division

between me and my daughter. I gave up my “helicopter mom” title. It was not easy. You

know the struggle I had with that, but I gave it up. I just know You are proud of me because

You know how deeply it was affecting ever facet of my life and smothering hers. I released

her into Your Hands, and I trust fully that You will do things in her and for her I never could. I

love I can trust You like that, Father. I know I have not always trusted You, but You were

there waiting when I was ready.

Father, I finally recognized it. You know, that conviction You placed on my heart a while

back but I was too stubborn to pay attention to. Honestly, I was just being blatantly

disobedient. Well, my heart couldn’t withstand the disobedience and chose to face that

conviction head on and I will no longer involve myself in conversations that do not glorify

You. I just wanted to fit in, Father. Thanks to You, I realize now, I don’t want to fit in at the

cost of misrepresenting You and Your Kingdom. Thank You for being patient with me and

showing me things I need to work on to transform my heart and character.

Father, I am so excited. I’m so excited, I just can’t hide. I know I couldn’t hide anything from

You if I wanted to, but that lyric gets stuck in my head when I get overly excited. Anywho,

what am I excited about? I surrendered fully to Your Kingdom. I have gone all in. When I

accepted salvation from You Father that was one of my biggest fears...the unknown. I was a

control freak. And giving up that control, as You know, held me back from many

opportunities You had placed before me. But I did it. I dove into the deep in without

hesitation. You are such a faithful Father. You have placed so many open doors in the place

of the unknown that I can’t helped but to jump with joy and gratitude.

I am so glad I got to talk to You and share all these things with You. I see You working in me,

my life, and those around me. I see You in the small things that I used to overlook. Thank

You Father. Thank You for Your patience, Your forgiveness, Your grace and Your mercy on this

journey. I know You have so much more in store for me and I am beyond ready. My cup

overflows. My souls is on fire. My spirit exudes joy and peace.

I know You know all these things before I ever share them, but I am so thankful You are a

loving Father who wants to hear them from me, regardless. You’re a Good, Good Father.

I love You.

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