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Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

Updated: May 20

As we come to the end of 2023, I can't help but reflect. 

Starting out 2023 was rough- like majorly rough. I doubted who I was and honestly didn't think I even belonged on this earth. There were many tear-filled nights and days. I felt ugly- inside and out. Nothing looked good on me and I didn't know who I was. I will never forget one of the nights where I was pouring out my heart to my husband and He finally said, "Emily, you need to know who you are in Christ, because no matter what I say, it doesn't matter. You need to know who God says you are." So this year, I learned who I was in Christ. I wrote affirmations everywhere I could. I sent affirmations to others. I went to counseling and learned how to acknowledge my feelings but then combat lies with God's Truth. This year was a year of growth personally.

My word for 2023 was courageous. I had no idea how God was going to bring that out in my life but boy did He! There were so many moments where I had to be courageous in His strength.

As I look back on it, I'm just amazed at where God has brought me. This year was definitely tough at times but brought so much growth and renewal. I'm so thankful for all that God did. 

In 2023 I...

  • had over a hundred photoshoots but also learned to set boundaries with my business and renew my passion. 

  • started a new part time job teaching some kiddos that I have grown to love. 

  • grew my prayer life. 

  • learned who I am in Jesus!! 

  • made it to 1 year of nursing Warren. 

  • celebrated Warren turning one and watched him hit some amazing milestones! 

  • watched Mo graduate pre-k, celebrate her 6th birthday & watched her start kindergarten. 

  • spent a month at the new church building to get it ready. 

  • spent lots of times at the ball field for Mo, nieces, nephews and Brandon. 

  • watched one of my best friends since high school get married! 

  • watched my sister graduate high school. 

  • got my first tattoo. 

  • had my own garden. 

  • really took the leap with TTS to start newsletters, podcast and blog posts. 

  • grew closer to my other sister & had lots of spend the night parties with her. 

  • spent tons of times with seniors that I love thanks to CSP. 

  • watched my husband speak on something we have been carrying for over a year and see the redemption story unfold.

  • grew as a youth pastor alongside Brandon. 

  • took a trip to Disney with my little family, parents and chosen family. 

  • read 11 books. 

  • led 3 women's small groups that helped deepen my study. 

  • started going to counseling. 

  • spoke at a women's event and three conferences. 

& so much more. 

As I prepare for 2024, I felt the word "stay" as my foundation after asking for prayer from a lady at church. I no longer want to doubt where I am or what God is doing. I don't want to overthink where He has me. I am going to stay the course that God has before me but, more importantly, I am going to stay in Him. 

Here's to 2024 where I plan to...

  • read more books. 

  • listen to more books. 

  • pursue my calling in ministry. 

  • make memories with my little family. 

  • travel more. 

  • open my home up more. 

  • accomplish more financial goals. 

  • follow Jesus and show my heart for Him in everything I do. 

I pray that 2024 is a year of growth and renewal for us all. I pray that you grow closer to God and life-giving community. You don't have to plan all the things for 2024 but you do need to prepare your heart to be expectant to what God has in store for the year.

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