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Go After the Light

Updated: May 20

I love a good rain. 

Seriously, I am a homebody so when it rains I am usually in my happy place. I will clean up. The kids will laze around. The diffuser or candle will be going. Sometimes we can get stir crazy when it rains but usually, rain is a reminder from God for rest for our little family. I especially love rain in the summer when I can sit on my porch or open my window. The kids might be able to go out and play in mud puddles if it isn’t thundering. Some of my favorite memories are of my daughter as a toddler in a pink tutu bathing suit and rain boots stomping in mud puddles. It might be a southern girl thing but I truly do love when it rains. 

Unless, I have to leave my home. 

I love a good rain unless I have to leave my home. I have coarse hair so when it rains, it isn’t pretty- it’s frizzy. I am usually lugging two kids and some bags around so I get extra wet in the rain. Most of the time I leave my rain jacket in my car and all of the umbrellas are in there as well so I really do get soaked if it is a downpour. (And yes, I do realize that I could keep some in the garage now that I am thinking about it.) I love rain but I want to be home when it rains. 

So on one particular Monday morning when I was already exhausted from a busy business weekend and wasn’t mentally stable enough to go back to work at my part time job the sound of heavy rain falling made me want to melt into a puddle myself. All I wanted to do was stay home with my kiddos and take a lazy day. But I knew the day must go on and there were things I had to do. During a break in the rain, I ran to the car after kissing the kiddos and hubby bye! 

I also don't like driving in the rain. I really don’t like driving at all but apparently, my husband can’t drive me everywhere. (Super rude I know but the man has to bring home some money for us!) So on this Monday morning, I am exhausted and it is raining hard. I was taking my normal twenty minute drive with nerves as it kept on raining. I pulled onto the interstate to get to work and all I could think about was how rough the rain was until I looked up. It was still raining hard but I could see an end to it because I could see the light breaking through the clouds. I know that sounds cheesy but it was true. My anxiety started to calm because I saw the light and the break of the storm but even better: I was moving towards it. In all honesty, it would have been really easy to focus on the heavy raindrops and go into full panic mode. For a slight second I thought about it. But that light looked so promising and good. It filled me with hope and reassurance. As I finally reached the end of the downpour and into the brighter part of the road thanks to the beautiful sun shining through, I was thankful to God. 

Can I remind you that this is a lot like our walk through life after God? Sometimes the storm is really heavy but your heart is also heavy. You’re exhausted from battle after battle, even the small ones. Eventually it all adds up and you’re looking around wondering how you will make it through the storm. 

It’s so easy to focus on the rain coming down around you that makes it hard to look ahead. 

It’s easy to only hear the thunder when it is pounding around you. 

It’s easy to shudder in anxiety when the lightning seems too close for comfort. 

When the cancer diagnosis comes. 

When you lose the baby. 

When you lie again. 

When the bills add up and the money promised isn’t coming in fast enough. 

When the kids aren’t happy. 

When you’re late to work. 

You just can’t seem to calm down all the emotions welling up inside and the storm just keeps raging on….

…until you look up beyond the clouds to see the light. 

And let me tell you this promise and truth, the light is always there. Jesus is always right there within reach. You just have to keep moving towards Him and the promise of His goodness. John 8:12 says: Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow Me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” All you have to do is see Him and follow Him to be led to true life. A couple of chapters later in John 10, Jesus promises that He gives abundant life. 

Let me reassure you with the promise that the light is always ahead. There is always goodness ahead. Sometimes, it doesn’t look like we would expect and it might not last long. In fact, the next storm will come. It will get dark again. The storm will rage around us. Jesus does promise us that trials will come but thankfully, He has overcome this world. (John 16:33) He just wants to meet you in the eyes to get through it and see the beauty on the other side. 

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