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A Woman's Testimony

Updated: May 20

The strength of women in today’s culture is incredible. We work, juggle school lunches and activities, hold Bible studies, and plan conferences. We encourage our family, find everything our husbands and children lose in the house, and mend boo-boos with a kiss and a hug. What is even more amazing to me is how we can do all these things when our own hearts are troubled and broken. 

Unfortunately, over the past year I have struggled with recurrent miscarriages that resulted in two surgeries, an ER visit due to complications, subsequent autoimmune flares, and a lot of tears. It has been hard. I was very open about losing the first baby but have not shared with many people about the last two. If you scan through the last few months of my social media posts you will see author events, conventions, family vacations, smiles, etc. Comments such as “You are doing great!” and “You sure are staying busy!” are two things I hear often. It has been difficult to know exactly how to respond to those remarks when I have been hurting. I assume I am like most women in that we tend to shrug off questions asking us how we are doing with, “I am fine.” Women tend to not want to burden others with their problems. 

I feel that God has laid the word testimony on my heart over the past few weeks. It has been in the songs that I keep singing, verses I randomly turn to, and I find myself drawn to women who are brave enough to share their own. The act of testimony appears in various contexts throughout the Bible. There are instances where Jesus specifically told people to testify what he has done for them. These include the man he healed from demon possession and the man whose leprosy he cleansed. The apostle Paul addressed the comforting benefits of someone sharing their testimony in his letter to the Corinthains. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV).

Hundreds of women reached out to me after learning about my first miscarriage. Friends, women that I did not know, and women that I have known all my life; all wanting to share their story to provide comfort during my time of need. I am grateful for their concern and admire their ability to look past the fear of talking about disappointments. Through their strength and honesty, I have learned that our testimonies are powerful, and that God will use our trials and experiences for His Glory. “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:3)

Lord, I pray for the woman reading this post. I pray that she hears a testimony that provides comfort for her pain. Please give her the strength to tell her own testimony so that someone else may be comforted and put their confidence in You. Amen.

Many blessings,


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