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A Poem for the Past by Aviela Groder

Updated: May 20

Oh sweet girl

If you could see yourself now

You’d have to look again

You’d have to blink twice

You’ve change so much

You’d hardly recognize

If you could see how much you’ve grown

You’d think

It wasn't possible 

It couldn't be true

But I promise you’re living now

I promise I used to be you

How can it be so?

I had to let you go

This change wasn’t drastic 

You should know it was quite slow

Though it didn’t happen overnight

My dear, we came out all right 

Sure, there are some wounds

Some bruises and scars to show our fight

Some lasting effects of the choices we made

And maybe those will never heal

They’ll probably never fade

But the things that haunted us

The terrors that kept us awake

The raging battle we lost everyday

Those whispering voices and lying words 

The strings we hung from 

The demons we faced

Those are gone now

And our mind is a quiet place

See, my darling girl

I don’t have to hide anymore

I don’t have to be someone I’m not 

I don’t have to keep the secrets

Or think I've been forgot

I’m not alone

The danger is gone

That battle has been fought

Can’t you see it?

I’m someone you’re not

I’m the one you dreamed to be 

I’m the girl who’s finally free

And I promise you used to be me

So, little one

I’m sorry you had to be the girl who never won

The girl who struggled and never saw the outcome

The one who wished for something better 

But just couldn't escape

The roaring fight we continued to wage

But hear me now

It was you that lead to something new

See, there was a way out of the torture

Out of the traumas that now stand as my past

And the bonagde that has turned into my freedom

So, now I need you to see

That everything you went through 

Turned you into me

And I want to release you

The girl I once knew

Into the past

Where all things eventually go

I’ll let go of my hold

You don’t need to take anything with you

No bondage or baggage

I don’t hold it against you

I realize, you were only a part of the woman we’ll be

And I’ll still see you

I’ll still see the little girl I used to be

That innocent face

That chaotic mind

And timid frame I used to call mine

I’ll still see you

But I refuse to be you anymore

The memory of you will always stay

But it will not get in my way

You may have shaped me

But I wish you could you see

You no longer have any hold on me

I choose to be bolder, stronger, and wiser than you

I choose to move forward

It’s time that I do

And so, my sweet girl

If you can see the now

I hope you like the new you

Because for once in our life

I finally do

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