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5 Tips for Studying the Bible

1.   Find the right bible for you

a.   My bibles are all on this resource list (INSERT LINK)

b.   I love a journaling bible because I love to write dates, prayers, thoughts, etc.

c. Use more than one translation

d.   If you need a new bible, start with a study bible

e.   Make it your own!



2.   Find a tool to help with your study time

a.   Proverbs 31 and The Daily Grace Company have great bible studies. Great for all kinds of studies

b.   Word search – but bible verses!

c. YouVersion – online bible and bible study plans



3.   Make it personal

a.   Make your quite time, your quiet time

b.   Don’t get trapped in comparison

c. Do what works for you



4.   Reach out to others

a.   Make sure you aren’t comparing!

b.   Get recommendations

c. Ask about verses for when you are struggling with certain things

d.   Ask the godly women in your life - How do you study their bible, when, where?



5.   Give yourself grace

a.   We are our worst critics

b.   If you miss a day, get right back up and get right back in God’s word

c. Put your phone away and turn off the tv to help avoid distraction




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