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My Why

Join me as I share my "Why" behind Through the Seasons!

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A little about me:

  • Wife to Brandon 

  • Mama to Mo, Baby Davis and Warren

  • Own a photography business: Captured Seasons Photography 

  • Dyslexia Tutor for a local school in my area 

  • At my church: youth pastor alongside Brandon, lead a women’s small group and organize events! 


The Lord allows us to go through things not to be weak but to be strong in the Lord and what He is doing. He will show you over and over where you are supposed to walk and go in the path He has before you. The Great Commission tells us to GO AND TELL! We are meant to go and tell others in the season we are walking through. 


Just step into the path before you because He is here and ready to go with you!


We so often try to tell God to go on our schedule rather than His when He is calling us. 


Stop looking to the future so much because we often miss where the Lord has us right now. 


If we wait for our time, we will miss the nourishment for our soul that we so desperately need from the things and people God has put in our path. 


If the Lord has planted something in you, it might take a while for it to grow or bring about fruition but it can start to show over time. 


Bad seasons happen but they usually bring about our why for the Lord. 


The Lord speaks to us in whispers usually. 


Ask God to renew your why! 


God wants a personal relationship with you! He wants the personal aspect with you! Relationships with God is what we are meant to have - not religion. It’s love God, love others and bring others to Christ after you steward a beautiful relationship with the Lord. 


God has a ministry right in front of you so don’t look too far into the future to where you miss the ministry right in front of you. 


If you don’t have a why, then it is all almost for nothing because your why signifies your relationship. 

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