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My Post-Partum Story

Whether you struggled with post-partum yourself or just walked through a tough season, this episode contains tools to help you walk through it.

00:00 / 31:45

In this episode, I share about my post-partum journey with my son. While my story and feelings are specific to me, I believe that God can bring redemption to other stories through the lessons of mine. I pray that my story helps heal broken parts of your heart and gives you the tools needed for upcoming seasons that might be hard. 


When walking through a hard season, you HAVE to let people in even when it is hard and scary. You have to let people in your life that are ready to give you life and combat the enemy with God’s truth. You need people in your life that are not in spiritual pajamas. 


As you walk through hard seasons, you need to fight your battles with worship music and God’s Word. 


As you look back on the tough season you have walked through, have God reveal to you where you were and where you are now. 


The most growth and beauty happens in the valley. The mountaintop is beautiful where you see everything and see what you went through to be where you are now.  


Satan can and will attack in the craziest of ways. 


3 Things that Helped Me Navigate this Season: 

  • Counseling:

    • specifically Christian counseling

    • Proverbs 1:5

    • Proverbs 19:20 

    • Counseling doesn’t mean someone you pay but also going to mentors and leaders within the (capital C) church that you can trust.

  • Small Groups: 

    • Meeting with a group of ladies away from your normal life to discuss a Bible curriculum 

    • Small groups are where life happens and it is a place to fill others up while you get filled up. 

    • We aren’t meant to do life alone:

      • Ecclesiastes 4

      • Genesis 2 

  • Find a hobby!

    • Find hobbies that fill your heart and give you a little escape. 

    • We are meant to have abundant life.

      • John 10:10


The enemy will try to make us feel secluded and alone but that just isn’t true. We are meant to do life together! 


The book I mentioned throughout the episode: Good Boundaries and Goodbyes


The study I mentioned: 40 Days Through the Bible

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