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The Purpose of the Board:

Our board was chosen by Emily after communion with God as people that believe in this mission and vision of TTS Ministries. They encourage Emily, pray deeply and help develop the ministry further. 

Meet the Team

Emily Davis

Emily is a wife to Brandon and mom to two beautiful children here on earth and one in Heaven. Emily owns her own photography business and serves as a youth pastor alongside Brandon. She loves leading women’s small groups and hosting people in her home. Coffee + quality time are her love language. She is an extrovert through and through but enjoys times of rest. She loves gardening, reading, listening to podcasts and cooking. God gave Emily the vision of TTS back in 2021. For a few years, she kept it very low profile. In the fall of 2023, she God calling her to go all-in. She now writes for TTS, posts content, records podcasts and speaks. TTS is a big and beautiful part of her heart.

Emily Davis

Founder / Director

Montana Wallace

Montana is a wife to Kaleb and mom to two boys here on earth and one baby in Heaven. She is a hair stylist in Downtown Athens and truly makes her clients feel at home. Montana serves as a Small Group Coach and is over Freedom Conference alongside Kaleb at their church. She is always up for a fun adventure and new Amazon finds. She loves big and will cheer on her people as much as she can. She loves finding fun places to take her boys and traveling new places. She enjoys reading, hosting people in her home and being with community. Montana handles all of the relations aspect for TTS. Whether you are wanting to write a guest piece for the blog, be a vendor at an event or share your story on the podcast, Montana is the girl you talk to!

Montana Wallace

Relations Board Seat

Aviela Groder

Aviela is a homeschooled high schooler. She serves in the children’s ministry at her church and is on the worship team. She leads her youth peers and is available for any type of serving she can take on. She loves working with people, especially kids and young teens. She is in the Civil Air Patrol and loves running. Some of her favorite things include one-on-one conversations over coffee, going to thrift stores and taking quiet walks around her family land. Aviela helps brainstorm and refine ideas for TTS. She is the mentee of Emily and helps review all of the pieces going out. Aviela also writes for TTS and has been on a few podcast episodes.

Aviela Groder

Refiner Board Seat

Kim Latta

Kim is married to Verbon, her middle school sweetheart and mom to 2 cats who think they’re human. Originally from Birmingham, she’s called Athens home for a few years. Administration has been her life for 25+ years and currently she’s the Site Executive Partner at a large data center. She serves on the prayer team at Discovery Church and help serve behind the scenes as much as possible. People often call her “Kim Latte” once they get to know her because of her love for coffee. As an ambivert, God is using her in places she didn’t think was possible and she’s learned to be expectant to what He has for her. Kim was one of the first to believe in the goodness and mission of TTS. She works all areas of resources to keep the ministry going. She helps develop merch and content for different platforms.

Kim Latta

Resource Board Seat

Summer Neely

Summer Neely

Reformer Board Seat

Summer is married to Dustin and mom to a beautiful baby boy plus their fur-baby Molly. Summer serves as a small group leader and with the youth at her church. She spends most of her time with her family and friends, listening to true crime stories, and watching reality tv. Summer loves to shop and truly believes there’s nothing cheese dip and a good TJ Maxx trip can’t fix. Summer has always felt a pull towards TTS so when asked to join the board, she was all in. As the Reformer Board Seat, Summer handles all things social media from Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. She works with sending out all emails and reforming the views of negativity towards social media so that it can be used to further the Kingdom.

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