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Hey, I'm Emily

"I am a fiercely motivated, Jesus-loving wife and mother, embracing the beautiful chaos of my life with a heart full of Faith and Love."

Welcome to my little corner of the world. I'm so happy to have you here + can't wait to connect with you soon. One thing about me? I love connecting. I wish we were face to face with some coffee on my couch because quality time is so special to me! (It's actually my top love language.)


I am a wife, mama and servant. I pride myself on loving and doing life with my tribe while serving in church. I own a photography business while also working at a local private school and love everything about where I am at in life. 


I've had this vision of a "ministry" for years now and in 2020 God told me to step out and just show up. I kept saying no because I wanted the "right timing." Well...there will never be the right timing. This is not a job. This is not a requirement. This is my heart and faith being shown. This is me showing up for my Savior. 

Emily Davis


As a God-seeking, Jesus-loving, Holy Spirit-driven individual, my vision is to be the influence God has called me to be to everyone around me. I want to live my life in a way that reflects Jesus, and I hope to inspire others to do the same. Through every wonderful and messy season let's remember that God is always good!


Every season is meant to make you stronger. Remember that you are not weak!

If you know anything about me or know me at all you probably know that I love the term “seasons.” Life is all about it- figuratively and literally. Throughout life you go through so many experiences. You go through the good times then the bad times, the joyous then breaking times but together it makes your life the beautiful story that it truly is. It’s so beautiful to think about how your season affects your life and how even though none are the same they all make you into the same person. You become whole through your many seasons. No season is as long or short as another and each has a purpose to teach you something in life. Seasons are beautiful. What season are you in? Are you learning through it? Are you thankful for it? 


Emily's Family

     Meet Brandon, Mahoney Nicole (Mo), and Warren! These three are my world. They keep life fun as we travel, serve and do life together. My little family of four is my first ministry and priority. They are the fun adventurous ones that help me step out of my boring comfort zone. If you see one of us, the other three are probably close behind. Our family is so special to me. 


     These three are a big reason of why I do what I do. I want to be with them and I want to leave a legacy they are proud of. I want my daughter to see me serving and helping others through the words and talents God has given me! I pray that my son marries a woman who I have a good relationship with and loves the Lord. I hope my husband knows that he is one of my biggest supporters in following my dreams and teaches me so much in our marriage. There is a specific reason why God chose me to be Brandon's wife and my kids mom. I try my hardest to never take it for granted. I am so thankful God gave these three to me. He went above and beyond! 

My Family

Words & Wisdom Beyond

Emily's Guest Writing and Sermon Highlights

My Favorite Podcast Episodes

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