Hey, I'm Emily!
I am so glad you are here! You are not here by accident and I am thankful you are in my corner of the internet. I'm just here sharing my faith the best way that I know how! Click below to get to know me some more.​{Guess what...I also have some links where you can check out all of my recommendations. Don't miss it!}
You are wanted here.
"A beautiful + crazy mess for Jesus."
I heard this quote a little over a year ago at a girls night. This beautiful lady who lost her life to cancer shared that she was a crazy mess for Jesus. When she shared that, it just stuck with me. Because I am a mess. I am a huge mess, honestly. No matter how often I try to pull myself together or do it all...there is still mess. Why? Because there is sin in this world. No matter what, sin is present. It makes you feel ugly and it makes us a continual mess. BUT JESUS. Even in our mess Jesus makes us beautiful and flawless before our Father. Jesus reminds us of our worth and that we don't stay in our mess forever. Jesus redeems our mess. & guess what? I'm crazy about my Jesus. So that's part of the mission here. Through the seasons, through the mess, Jesus makes us beautiful. So, here I am, a beautiful + crazy mess for Jesus. & I am thankful you are here too in your beautiful and crazy mess.
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